Truth in the Face of Lies

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Linda:  It seems so discouraging and overwhelming that the media is filled with lies and people are believing them, and taking action on them. As if there’s no CARE for what the truth is, and no effort to find it. As if lies can build a world on their own, a world of ill intent, just by force of will.  What good is truth?  Does truth have any power? How can we possibly get to, and share truth when lies are so popular? Can you speak to this, please?

Yeshua:  Lies have always been popular. They are now being exposed as popular. We assure you, there is a force greater than lies that never ends. It’s simply not making the headlines.  

Your headlines are the surface only, with rare exceptions. And yet they are noisy. With the noise comes seeming power, but again, only on the surface. Half of earth’s population could declare – and write headlines and hashtags – that the earth is flat. The earth does not change because of the declaration.  

Linda:  I understand that. But sometimes people are put to death because of not agreeing with lies, or because of the lies themselves. It feels like lies are powerful and do damage in many ways. I watch this and I’m sad and frightened. What do I do? What do we do?

Yeshua:  There are many variations on lies, but they all have this in common – they contradict what cannot be changed. The Big Lies are saying evil can win; humans are separate and of varying worth; there is no connection; individuals can get away with bad things; humans die; everything dies; and more.   

The Big Truths are this:  physical form dies or changes, but the Life that animates that form is forever; everything is connected, because everything is built by and from Life; Life is the same thing you also call God; Life is the same thing you also call Love; humans are impatient for good and for justice, but all things work together for good, it just plays out over a larger epic scope than you understand;  nothing dies – the Life force leaves physical form and goes on to the next chapter.   

To counteract Big Lies and small lies both – train yourself to look for the big picture, the long view. Train yourself to speak the Truth always (this may take changing a lot of habits) – truth about what you feel, who you are, what you want, what you see.  Call out lies – but refrain from arrogance.  You may be missing information, or mistaken. Be open to the fact that there can be illusions at work in you as well. Look for the long view. Look for Truth, and look for the places where you see Truth triumphing. When you do this, you will see more.   

Be impeccable with your own behavior. Humans have lived in a cozy relationship with lies for millennia, and this is where that set of choices has brought you. To undo that coziness will take some discomfort.   

Be a Truth-teller without judgment. Be a Truth-teller about your Self first, then dare to determine truth in the world and share it. Be open to feedback. Remember your perception is not always Truth, because it IS your perception.   

L: Thank you. This helps. 

Schedule a Channeled Insight session with Linda here.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 

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