Finding Answers that Give you Chills

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Linda: Given the busyness of this world and my life (and most people’s lives), how can we possibly find the answers and the wisdom that I KNOW is available to us?  To solve the personal problems, to solve the global and community problems?

Yeshua:  Each of you must find your own way, and we will suggest several. But the doorways all have this in common: before you can enter this door, you must know it is there. Of all the information the world is offering you – millions of bits at any given moment, and more at your fingertips – only a tiny fraction contains Wisdom.  Wisdom that crosses barriers and is undistorted. The Wisdom-containing answers are the ones that give you chills when you hear them; the ones that bring you to your knees in relief or gratitude; the ones that you are willing to leave everything else for, and follow.  

These are the Wisdom answers. 

Wisdom has always been like a tiny but vast treasure, a gem in the midst of a field of coal.   Yes, it’s there, but concealed by so much chaff, so much of inconsequence.   

To access these gems one must find a way to develop your own x-ray vision, your own laser focus.  Some do it by meditation and inviting the wisdom to come to them, in the silence.   Some do it by an intention to see clearly, and becoming very present.  When one is exquisitely present to what is, all of life becomes clear…. what is the rubbish? What is the treasure?  Presence will reveal these things to you.   

Others find Wisdom through Wisdom teachers and traditions, and following a path laid out for them by the Ancestors. Still others encounter Wisdom through a life-altering or even a near death experience, when suddenly the difference between Wisdom and facts becomes crystal clear.   

And others, such as you, find it by directly conversing with a Wisdom teacher who can reach across the veil and convey Wisdom, along with information as needed.   

There are many ways to access Wisdom.

Linda: What can a person do to recognize Wisdom, and to find their own way to access it?

Y: Begin with quieting your mind. Either in meditation or in nature. Add in the study of Wisdom teachers (there are many sacred texts).  

Over time you will find yourself receiving direct guidance that makes sense to you, and perhaps surprises and assists you. This can happen quickly, or slowly over time, depending primarily on your willingness, on your openness to hear things that don’t suit your preconceived concepts.   

L: How can I and others begin to trust Wisdom that comes directly, when there are so many conflicting ideas?

Y: Acknowledge that the stakes are high. This world cannot go on driven by facts and conflict and arguments. Acknowledge that there are higher answers that are accessible, that can solve seemingly impossible dilemmas.   

Then commit to finding your own way to access Wisdom. Read books and teachers of the highest level and begin to ask your own questions, seek the answers that work beyond what you can imagine. When you begin to sense the responses you get, you are most likely to react with doubt and skepticism. Do your best to overcome that. Take chances at the ‘local’ level, and try trusting the wisdom when the stakes are not so high. This will prepare you to trust as the stakes become higher.  

Study the stories of others who have made a life’s work of listening, no matter what tradition they are in. The stories will inspire you and bring you comfort, like lamps along the path.   

Wisdom is accessible to all of Life. Wisdom has the answers you long for, but doubt their existence.   

Wisdom can communicate with you. Learn to listen. Then listen again, and again, and again. Find the answers that give you chills.  That’s how you change the world for good.  

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 


1 Comment

  1. Paul Chubbuck
    May 2, 2019

    Beautiful, Linda, and trustworthy.


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