How Do You Ride the Rapids?

Have you ever run a set of rapids?  In a canoe, a kayak, or raft?

Whether you’re the helmsman or just along for the ride,  you can sense the rapids just before you hit them.  By the time you hear them, there’s no turning back.   The choices are where – and how – to go through them, and the state of mind in which to go.

Kayak in rapidsTerrified?  Calm?  Alert?  Confident? Present?

Sometimes you might make it through the rapids on sheer luck.  But more often, the way you arrive on the other side has something to do with the choices you (or your helmsman) made right in the middle of the rapids.

For me, there are hard times in life that show up now and then, and when I’m at the edge going in, I realize, “Oh, &#$%@!  Here we go…”   Entering the rapids.

The next thing I tell myself is this (not always in words mind you): this is going to require every milligram of spiritual wisdom you have gained over the years.  You cannot forget to love, to trust, to surrender, to have faith… to see a wonderful outcome.

I feel as if I’m riding the rapids and can afford no distraction, no self-pity, no indulgence.

No weakness.  At least not now.  (Later I’ll have the massage, devour the chocolate, watch Downton Abbey…but don’t distract me now!)

This feeling and awareness can be launched by events such as:  1) the realization that I’m driving on ice;   2) my husband’s bout with cancer a few years ago;   3) the need to confront someone I love with an issue that needs clearing between us…and more.  You get the idea.

Someone sent me this quote today, from Brian Johnson, The Optimizer:   Nassim Taleb echoes that wisdom in his genius book Anti-Fragile, reminding us that “Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire.”  (Here’s Brian’s website.)

If I go through the rapids cowering in the canoe, afraid to do my part, even if on the other side I survive it, I have lost power rather than gained it.

If I go through the rapids fully alert, watching for boulders, leaning, steering, paddling if it’s mine to do, and survive it, I come through with a faith in myself and my abilities.  I am prepared for equal and greater challenges.  I can choose to be the fire, not a candle to be extinguished.

Think Malala.

How do you go through the rapids in your life?


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