The Bindweed Takeover’s Life Lesson

My gardener dad taught me many things.  One of the most memorable was how bad bindweed is.  I mean, it’s like the end of the world. If you get bindweed you will never get rid of it.  It will take over and strangle your garden, your flowers, everything.  There’s nothing you can do except poison, and you have to keep poisoning it for a long long time.

Bindweed on bare ground

Wow.   I could see what it did – take over whole areas he was trying to garden in, filling the bare spots, climbing up the tomatoes and peppers. Yikes!

Years ago, gardening in Central Kansas, I got a load of horse manure compost from my neighbors. I was so happy about the rich bonus and we spread it over the garden.

But by late summer, the first bindweed I’d ever had appeared in my garden.  Oh no!  It was apparently in the manure – I was freaked. I was gardening organically and had no idea what to do.   

Eventually I moved. Problem solved. 

Fast forward – years later, gardening in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, bindweed appeared next to our fence. All my fears and memories of bindweed came rushing back. I hoed. I pulled. I asked Stan to do the same.  

Still it expanded. It climbed up all our raspberry bushes and strangled them. It crept up the back fence. It wound itself across the grass and into our regular vegetable garden.  

Bindweed climbing up sedum plants

The bindweed exhausted me. I was discouraged and despairing. I didn’t want to move to escape this pestilence. 

But I didn’t want to give up my entire garden to the Bindweed Takeover. 

In the absence of a remedy, I just kept plugging along. One day I came across a book, called Weeds – Control without Poison (Charles Walters).  It’s a weird book and a radical concept for sure.  But I read parts of it, including what it said about bindweed.  

Come to find out, bindweed is an opportunistic weed, Mother Nature’s clean-up crew, sent in when the soil is poor and or the ground is bare. Suddenly I had childhood memories of barren soil driveways leading into fields – thick with bindweed.  I read further. 

I learned that certain plants are Nature’s remedial crews, which over a few years, provide the organic matter and processes that impoverished soils need.  When their work is complete, they die out and are replaced by other plants which do better in richer soil. 

Wow! I thought about this for weeks, replaying garden and weed interactions from my past.  Is this true? Then my mind skipped over into Life itself… is there a metaphor here?

After I pondered this concept for several months I convinced Stan to help me make major changes to the garden. We removed the strangled raspberries and replanted some of those roots (carefully cleaned) to a new bed free of bindweed. We put grass – tough grass, thick grass – where the bindweed was the thickest and got it going, then simply mowed regularly.  In the garden, where the bindweed had intruded, I vowed to compost and enrich the heck out of the soil, making the bindweed unnecessary and unwelcome.   

All this we did. In addition, once the thick field of bindweed roots and plants was no longer flourishing, we rigorously pulled and hoed EVERY SINGLE ONE of the isolated plants that would pop up. Yep, there were a lot. But we removed a lot also. We are still doing it every time we visit the garden, but there’s not a lot to do.   

This summer, about 4 years after the major changes, I have an asparagus patch to die for.  Lush. Extravagant. Prolific. Spreading. Right where the bindweed used to live. I can barely  find any bindweed at all there anymore.  

And the rest of the garden is the equally clean. We still have to pull individual plants, but it’s not taking over anything.  

What’s the metaphor?  

Remember Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come”?  

In the same way, if you un-build something, things will disappear. 

When I spent lots of time focusing on how bad the Bindweed Takeover was, I was stressed and discouraged, constantly trying to beat it. 

But when I began to understand, appreciating the role bindweed was playing in my garden, and creating a space that didn’t invite bindweed – then it subsided, almost to disappearing.   

Yes, I did have to pay attention and root out the single plants popping up. I had to be consistent about that. But, my reward is a rich and sumptuous garden, right where the bindweed used to be. So worth it!

Are we too focused on fighting something that seems huge and overwhelming and monstrous?  What if we make an environment where “it” is no longer welcome? What if we join forces, learn and understand, and make “it” outdated and unwelcome?

Yes, we will still have to face and eliminate isolated instances. But we can change the habitat, and the species that found it most inviting will go elsewhere.

Lush and thriving asparagus patch in midsummer

Whether the issue is bindweed, or systemic racism, or corruption in politics, or hate crimes… coming together as humans across all kinds of lines, to create an enriched environment where these things are not welcome, is possible.  

Is it easy? No.  

Is it simply positive thinking? Absolutely not.  

But joining hands, and working together to make fertile ground where all of us (all colors, all religions, all cultures) can thrive is not only possible but actually exciting.  

When the ground is fertile for healthy and happy living for all people (all beings actually), then it will be easier to root out the “bindweed” that does show up – the acts of hate or violence – and deal with them, eliminate them.  

Do not mistake what I’m suggesting as only positive thinking.  There’s much more work involved here, and much more understanding.  

We have become accustomed to an impoverished environment where noxious intruders are comfortable. When we create a rich, connected, fertile environment those intruders will fade. And we’ll have the power and clarity to deal with them one at a time. 

Thank you, Bindweed, for the valuable lesson.   

© Linda Chubbuck 2020

Sent by God

In 1999 I met a brilliant man.  I had led a “sheltered” life the decades prior to that year.  First married, then divorced, I was raising my kids in my country home in rural Kansas.  Sure I had a college education and I read.  But truly, the new people entering my life were rare – maybe one every year or so. 

Then J appeared.  He was mesmerizing, creative, a great storyteller.  I was firmly set on a spiritual path, and he told me he came to me because he was God’s answer to my prayers.  

I sort of believed him.  Two weeks after we met, he proposed.  I said yes.  We set the date for two months later.  J was charismatic – even my son said he was a miracle in our lives. 

Two days before the wedding he blew up at me for my relationship with that same son.  I was enmeshed, he said. He threatened to leave, and walked out for a day. 

I swallowed hard, apologized, and we married two days later.  

That scenario repeated itself dozens of times over the next year.  I scrambled to “clean up” my relationships so I could be close to J.   I cut out one person after another based on his assessment (judgment).  The sudden blowups continued as he judged nearly all of my relationships as co-dependent, enmeshed, entangled. I needed to clean them all up.   

J reminded me regularly that he was – literally – God’s answer to my prayers:  for a closer walk with God, for improved relationships, for a partner, for creativity.  

Yes, he was God’s answer to my prayers.  God sent him to me. 

As the months went by with J, I became isolated, stressed, and my body began to suffer with mysterious aches and weaknesses.  I didn’t know what was happening and I had no one – except J – to talk to about it. Despite his great story-telling, our huge dreams, and our exciting travels, I was increasingly depressed.  He was moving out about once every 3 weeks, then back in again a few days later.  We changed homes 3 times in one year.  All of my belongings (and my children’s keepsakes) were in storage and unavailable to me – jumbled. 

My mind was a maze of confusion and fear.  My body felt like hell.  My life felt like hell.  Inside, I was still praying.  God, what is going on?  God, what do you want me to do?  Despite all J’s pronouncements and certainty, this didn’t feel like Love to me. 

I have always believed in love. Love as a force. Even when I didn’t believe in God, I believed in Love and in Truth. 

I was so confused. 

One day, my prayers were answered – again – when a poster in a mall asked the question, “Does anything about your relationship scare you?”

Hell yes. Almost everything.  

The poster was an invitation to call the Domestic Violence help line.   

I did so. I left with my suitcase the next morning. 

So I have a question for you.  

Is there anyone you believe was sent by God but what they do doesn’t feel like love?  It doesn’t feel like truth?  It doesn’t feel like integrity?

I don’t care whether it’s a close up and personal relationship or whether it’s the president of the United States.  I don’t care whether it’s a Senator, or a friend.  

If you are passionate that this person was sent by God, but what they do doesn’t feel like Love – or Honor – or Truth – or Integrity, think on this.   

What if God sent this person to you – or to us – to reveal the ugliness of hatred?  To reveal the ugliness of judging others?  To reveal the ugliness of racism, and corruption?

I used my free will to walk away from the Man who was Sent by God. I lost much of what I valued in my life. I cried for months.  I made apologies and amends to those I had judged and alienated. I prayed and spent time in the ashes of humiliation.  

Slowly I mended my life. I pondered the lessons of what judgment does to relationships, what self-righteousness does to Love.   

If you believe Donald Trump and company were sent by God, I invite you to answer this question – does anything he does feel like Love?

What would Love do?  What would Jesus do?  

If you believe Donald Trump was sent by God, I challenge you to consider what God might have wanted you to learn from this? 

I challenge you to awaken your own conscience.  It might just be a Revelation. 

© Linda Chubbuck 2020


Atheism and the Responsiveness Mystery

Fog droplets in predawn moonlight

I was part of a discussion recently about atheism. A professor was asking the students to provide evidence of the existence of God.

While I would probably fail if the assignment was mine to do, I don’t lack for responses, and it set me to thinking.   

Can you provide evidence of the existence of Love?  

It’s true, people act like they love each other, but what proof is there? Nothing is tangible.  Nothing is measurable. Obviously it disappears sometimes.  People say they love each other, and then later they don’t, so maybe it wasn’t there at all. Could you – or I – prove to someone who didn’t believe in Love, that Love exists?  I’m not sure that I could.   

But I know that it does.   

Can you provide evidence of the existence of Gravity?

Of course, things fall to the ground, we all know that. But maybe that’s just the way the earth works. Why does there have to be a force? There is no proof that there’s a force called gravity.   Well sure, out in space things are different, but that’s to be expected. You cannot see it, touch it, taste it, measure it, etc. Why do some people think it exists?  

Can you provide evidence of the existence of God?

No, I can’t provide evidence of an Old Testament angry God. I don’t believe that God is real, except in people’s minds.   

But here is what I know absolutely.  

The Universe (which is another name for God) is responsive. 


Before I explain further, a little detour.. let’s imagine a young woman who has been traumatized as a child by people who said they loved her – perhaps beaten, even assaulted.  Her concept of Love is completely corrupted by what has happened to her. Now, as an adult, she no longer believes in Love.  

“Love doesn’t exist. It’s all fake. People just act like they love each other so they can get what they want. Prove to me that Love exists. I don’t believe it.”

What are the chances of her finding a healthy romantic relationship, or even a solid friendship, in the face of her beliefs?

Little to none. Practically zero. Why?  Because the Universe is responsive. Her mind is powerful enough to overcome the truth that Love exists, at least for the duration of her beliefs, and perhaps her entire lifetime. 

I’m not saying that simple affirmations or statements will bring about something. I AM saying The Universe is Responsive.  

Over time, statements, convictions, and deeply held beliefs we have show up in our lives and bring us “proof.” This young woman is quite likely to find herself in similar situations to her childhood dynamics that “prove” to her that Love doesn’t exist. 

The Universe is Responsive.  

Over time, by contrast, if I am convinced that Love is all there is, and that people simply choose to deny or contradict it sometimes, my life demonstrates that Love. The Universe is Responsive.   

In my garden, if I Love and nurture and spend time with the plants, I am rewarded with a great harvest and little surprises.   

In my family, if I Love and spend time with my little grandchildren, I’m rewarded with a huge smile a week later from my one-year old, who remembers and loves me back.  

In my marriage, if I Love and appreciate and devote time to my relationship, I’m rewarded by a deep sense of connection. No, I can’t prove the existence of that Love.  But I can savor it.

Simply put – over time, what we are deeply convinced of shows up in our lives. The Universe is Responsive.   

If you are deeply convinced you are isolated and alone, that will show up in your life. Much like an anorexic who is thin to the point of death can look in the mirror and “see” fat, you will ignore the love and connection that is in your life and see only the isolation.  

If you are deeply convinced the Universe is a loving place and you are connected, that will show up in your life. You will find yourself in mostly loving relationships and activities, and will find creative and loving ways to navigate difficulties so that more love appears.  

God is Mystery. God is Principle. God is Responsive. God is Love. 

If you’ve had trauma that convinced you that Love doesn’t exist, or Love hurts, or you are alone, there is help to heal that trauma. 

You CAN learn to open, trust, Love, and experience the responsiveness of the Universe from a place of deepening Love. You don’t have to prove it to anyone. Just experiment.  

The Universe is Love and and the Universe will respond to you. 

I cannot prove the existence of Love or God or even gravity to you.  But you can prove it to yourself.  

   © by Linda Chubbuck 2019 

Truth in the Face of Lies

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Linda:  It seems so discouraging and overwhelming that the media is filled with lies and people are believing them, and taking action on them. As if there’s no CARE for what the truth is, and no effort to find it. As if lies can build a world on their own, a world of ill intent, just by force of will.  What good is truth?  Does truth have any power? How can we possibly get to, and share truth when lies are so popular? Can you speak to this, please?

Yeshua:  Lies have always been popular. They are now being exposed as popular. We assure you, there is a force greater than lies that never ends. It’s simply not making the headlines.  

Your headlines are the surface only, with rare exceptions. And yet they are noisy. With the noise comes seeming power, but again, only on the surface. Half of earth’s population could declare – and write headlines and hashtags – that the earth is flat. The earth does not change because of the declaration.  

Linda:  I understand that. But sometimes people are put to death because of not agreeing with lies, or because of the lies themselves. It feels like lies are powerful and do damage in many ways. I watch this and I’m sad and frightened. What do I do? What do we do?

Yeshua:  There are many variations on lies, but they all have this in common – they contradict what cannot be changed. The Big Lies are saying evil can win; humans are separate and of varying worth; there is no connection; individuals can get away with bad things; humans die; everything dies; and more.   

The Big Truths are this:  physical form dies or changes, but the Life that animates that form is forever; everything is connected, because everything is built by and from Life; Life is the same thing you also call God; Life is the same thing you also call Love; humans are impatient for good and for justice, but all things work together for good, it just plays out over a larger epic scope than you understand;  nothing dies – the Life force leaves physical form and goes on to the next chapter.   

To counteract Big Lies and small lies both – train yourself to look for the big picture, the long view. Train yourself to speak the Truth always (this may take changing a lot of habits) – truth about what you feel, who you are, what you want, what you see.  Call out lies – but refrain from arrogance.  You may be missing information, or mistaken. Be open to the fact that there can be illusions at work in you as well. Look for the long view. Look for Truth, and look for the places where you see Truth triumphing. When you do this, you will see more.   

Be impeccable with your own behavior. Humans have lived in a cozy relationship with lies for millennia, and this is where that set of choices has brought you. To undo that coziness will take some discomfort.   

Be a Truth-teller without judgment. Be a Truth-teller about your Self first, then dare to determine truth in the world and share it. Be open to feedback. Remember your perception is not always Truth, because it IS your perception.   

L: Thank you. This helps. 

Schedule a Channeled Insight session with Linda here.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 

Children and Fear

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Jesus, Yeshua, I have questions and I want to hear well.  I want to listen deeply and hear your responses, your wisdom. 

Ask. You will hear. 

Linda:  I want to ask about children and fear, children and trauma.  Children in our country are having to go through Active Shooter Drills.  Many parents are distraught.  There are so many things wrong with this picture.  What about the children?  What about their fear?

Yeshua:  Except for the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, children are born with no fears.  All the other fears are learned through interactions with the adults or people around them, or with the world itself. We are going to lead you through some difficult territory here, so hold on. 

In this situation, i.e. active shooter drills, there is the social issue of domestic terrorism, which is its own symptom of fear and separation.  We will not address that at the moment, but rather focus on the playing out of that. Given that the children may be in danger, how do we protect them and minimize the damage, the anguish they may experience?

Let’s say you live in a community subject to wildfires and it’s a dangerous season. The school may have fire drills and rehearse practices that will save lives.  This does not have to be done with fear, even though a real fire might produce some fear. It also is a separate (as if there were any separation…) issue from the dry conditions, the placement of homes, careless use of flames, etc. But if the teachers in charge are very afraid of fires, it’s easy to see the children will be influenced.  

Fear is useful, for a moment, to get something to shift.  Fear is destructive when it becomes a chronic condition.  Anytime fear threatens to become chronic, it must be faced directly and examined:  what needs to change to eliminate the fear? My state of mind? A social condition? An imbalance of power? An injustice?  

These shooter drills can be taught and rehearsed without fear, by the adults. Yet those adults may have to acknowledge their own fears (in appropriate settings), and be prepared to deal with the fears of some of the children.   

There are many situations in your world where you take precautions to protect the body from physical harm, yet you do it without fear. Seat belts. Fire drills. Insurance. Tornado drills. These are not harmful to children or adults if they are done without fear-based emotions.  Beyond these preventive measures then, a community of people can look at the “why” of each of these.  Do cars need to be safer so no seat belts are needed?   Do buildings need to be constructed differently to be fire-safe? Do guns need to be regulated more than they are? And more. 

So a parent of a child facing active shooter drills may share these questions and support:  Do you understand why you are having this type of drill?  Does it scare you?  Are the teachers or some of the children scared?  Tell me more about it. How do you feel about it?    

Based on the responses from your child (remember, all responses are acceptable), you can offer additional information:  A long time ago, children going to school had to worry about bad diseases that many of them got. But that’s not happening anymore, because we found some good answers. Right now, however, some very disturbed people are using guns to hurt other people, so we have to find ways to stay safe. Your school will probably NEVER have a real shooter, but if they did, you would know how to stay safe. Just like we fasten seatbelts in the car – but how often do we really need them? Still, we keep fastening the seatbelts.  

Besides keeping your body safe, let’s talk about how to deal with your own fear.     

At this point the parent – or teacher – should share ways they, and the child, can calm their own fears while still taking the needed action. That might be prayer. It might be a calming song. It might be a poem. It may come from your own faith tradition or might be secular, but must be powerful enough to resonate, and to stay with the child. Whatever you bring to your child, invite them to come up with their own resources – what they might bring to the situation as well.   

Fearful adults can create fear in children.  

Numbed-out adults can create numbness in children.  

Dismissive adults can create confusion and fear in children. 

Honest, loving and calm adults will encourage authenticity, courage and clarity in children.   

There are answers.  

*** To receive your own Channeled Insight in a phone or Skype session, contact Linda here.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 

An Open Letter to All Americans

AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL AMERICANS  July 1, 2018 published on my FB page

Natural born, naturalized, undocumented or in between

If you live in, love, or call yourself an American I’m presuming that you have some degree of love for this country.  I’m also presuming that
you can see that we are in one of the worst pickles we – as a nation – have ever been in.  It’s pretty up close and personal this time.  

I am passionate about America: the founding principles, the lofty ideals, the opportunities we share and the general goodness of the American people (all of them).  The last few years however we have been at each other’s throats and as anyone can see, that’s pretty dang destructive to our nation as a whole.  And it could get worse, as we all know.  

So here’s my letter to all of us, group by group, faction by faction, tribe by tribe.  I write this in deep abiding hope that what holds us together – calling ourselves Americans – is more powerful than what is tearing us apart.  Each of us is different and unique.  But we have this thing – this overarching love and devotion – to this beautiful imperfect country.  

Here goes:

To all you neo-Nazis and White Nationalists: you might be surprised, but I actually see your point.  I don’t agree, but I see it.  America was founded by white, male slaveowners (some of our founders anyway).  So when you want to go back to that time and way of being, there’s some accuracy in your rationalization.  BUT… the ideals those same white male slaveowners wrote contradicted their exclusive way of living.  Decades later, it became clear that those ideals needed to be honored in full.   Did you know that artists and writers and visionaries (like the Founding Fathers – FF for short) often write things beyond where they are able to live at that time? You can say they were “full of shit,” or didn’t really mean what they wrote.  But I believe they did really mean it, and eventually our people moved closer to their amazing vision – that All Men (and Women) are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. I also get it that you may be afraid of becoming a minority in America.  Yes, that could happen.  And there’s no way you can stave that off.  Instead, I recommend not accruing anymore bad karma by brutalizing people of color.  Instead, try being an ex-racist (yes, it has been done before).  You might be surprised at how your life takes on a new and gentler “color,” and you make friends you never thought you’d make.

To all you evangelicals: I know you believe Jesus has saved you.  I was “saved” once as well.  Thanks to our Founding Fathers you have freedom to worship the way you want to without interference. But also thanks to the FF so do lots of other people.  If you really study and pray about what Jesus taught I’m pretty sure you won’t find anything about shunning LGBTQ people, about abortion, about praying in schools (remember you are always free to pray in schools, the teacher just can’t lead everyone to pray), about not baking cakes, about banning Muslims… well you get the idea.  MAGA is nothing that Jesus taught.  Rather he stated – so clearly it has come down through the ages to us – the Greatest Commandment is Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  If Jesus has really saved you, demonstrate it by measuring everything against Jesus’ greatest commandments.   

To all you liberals: I know you believe (I’ve been there too) that you are completely right and the Right is completely wrong.  And any sarcastic and biting way you can make that point is completely justified.  But… in any relationship, what you put into it comes back to you.  The scorn and self-righteousness of the Left is part of what spawned the hatefulness of the Right.  Yep.  It is.  No one likes to be scorned and made fun of.  Also the conservatives-before-Trump actually have some reasonable points.  In the old days, Right and Left people of Congress actually talked to each other with some measure of respect and worked out solutions. I recommend crossing those ideological lines and having respectful conversations about issues that matter.  I recommend withdrawing your attention from the scorn and polarization and instead put your attention on building.  Reconstructing our national dialogue.  

To all you Trumpers:  If you still love Trump you have had to overlook more things than I can enumerate here.  Still, it’s true that he has awakened a lethargic voting population, and given voice to the frustration and hatred of many who have felt victimized and unheard.  But if you like to cry “fake news” over anything that doesn’t please you, I implore you – if you love America – to do your research.  Yes, evil-doers have created fake news, many on the Right, sadly, and some on the Left.  Still, to cry “fake news” doesn’t make it fake.  It makes it confusing.  Do you honestly believe America can survive this intense polarization, corruption and hatefulness by finger-pointing and crying fake news?   I don’t.   Do your research.  Think the immigrant children separation stories are fake?   Gather a group of journalists and photographers from your church or community and go find out.   “Truth exonerates, and truth convicts.” (Oprah Winfrey).  The actual truth is untouched by the cries of fake news.  It will endure.   Whether our country will or not remains to be seen.   

To the LGBTQ community:  Twenty years ago I didn’t know several of the words that LGBTQ stands for.  Now I do.  You are so brave and our world is so much richer because of your courage and creativity.  My advice for you?  Hang in there.  There’s a long ways to go but you have become visible, and honored, and free-er in the last 10 years than most of us would have ever imagined. Honor yourself and your creative gifts and keep on keeping on.

To the immigrants from all nations:  Perhaps your family is light-skinned or has been here so long you are in no danger.  Perhaps you are more recent, or you wear a hijab, or a turban and you experience the hostility that has been awakened lately.  Perhaps you speak another language or have a strong accent.  I wish I could make things all better and I can’t. But I can speak and live a truth: with the exception of Native American descendants, we are all immigrants and the children of immigrants, just some of us arrived earlier and some later.  Half of my genetics comes from ancestors who arrived in the early 1600’s from England.  The other half comes from German immigrants 300 years later.  The German side of the family experienced hatefulness from neighbors during WWI. And probably again during WWII.  America is above all a nation of immigrants, including colonialists and land-grabbers who took over the pristine land from the native peoples and claimed it as their own.  I cannot stop the hatefulness, but I can tell you the truth.  Those who are hateful to you?  They are children of immigrants.  Don’t let them fool you. Stand tall in your community.  As my Kuwaiti friend says, “assimilate and learn American ways.  But don’t give up your faith and your community.”  Claim your place as best you can and hope that America as a nation rises above this bitter polarization.  

To the Native people of America:  You and I both know there is no going back, and no un-doing of the wrongs done to you.  As I watch the immigrant children suffer from separation from their parents I am reminded of the suffering your people experienced when your children were taken and trained in the ways of the whites.  For me, I am so sorry. I cannot undo history but I can acknowledge it and ask forgiveness. You are the first People, the first Americans (though I know that was never your word for this land). My advice for you? Claim your heritage.  Study your heritage and renew it.  Study how your people interacted with settlers and the US government. Do your best to resist bitterness and instead stand in truth. You deserve acknowledgement, honor, and a good place in this country. I honor you for your courage in spite of everything at Standing Rock, and through the decades.  

To all People of Color:  I am powerless to stop the brutality aimed randomly at people of color.  But I am here to say I KNOW you matter and I KNOW you don’t deserve that treatment.  I am so sorry for all the pain and injustice you have experienced.  I also acknowledge the generational damage done to all people of color through slavery and the aftermath of discrimination and Jim Crow laws.  I don’t have the wisdom to give advice to you but my only thoughts are to focus on the connections with people of all colors, people who care about equality and justice, and as I said last paragraph, do your best to resist bitterness, and stand in truth.  There are so many wise and inspiring people of color contributing to a future different from the past.  

To all law enforcement of all branches:  I see your contributions and I am so grateful.  Virtually all of my interactions with law enforcement have been positive and I have an instinctively positive response when I see a patrolman (unless I’ve been speeding of course).  I invite you to lobby your departments to train in de-escalation and community involvement so that all members of your community can feel as safe and trusting as I do.  I’m guessing you would rather your city or town be famous for an innovative Community and Cops program than for an incident-gone-bad that results in the death of an innocent person, whether that person is a citizen or law enforcement.  There are ways to build those bridges and cross those lines with love.   

To all undocumented immigrants:  If I had my way you could all stay.  But obviously I don’t run the country, and we now have reached a time when the persons in power are enforcing laws that have been on the books a long time. In addition they are making up new rules faster than we can deal with them. I get it that you have come from a dangerous and hostile world and logically see the US as a safe haven.  And suddenly, it is not.  I am so sorry for the pain you have experienced at our hands and the lack of options it seems you have, the danger in your home country.  I do not know the answers or solutions. I do know that you deserve to be treated humanely, and to stay with your children.  You are in my heart and my prayers, and those of many of my fellow citizens.  Don’t give up hope.  America is not living up to its ideals at this moment, but the ideals are still valid.  Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream!”  He did not live to see his dream unfold.  Still his vision and the power of his work has inspired hundreds of thousands of others, and helped that dream unfold.  Whether you are able to stay in the US or must return to your own country, keep your dream of a better life, a better world, and safety alive. Find others to join you and change something for the better.   

The only way we can continue to live in relative peace in this beautiful land is to respect and trust each other more, rather than less.  Let love lead the way.  

Here are the simple but powerful things you can do, whichever group you find yourself in:

  1. Remember America’s founding principles of justice, equality and freedom for all.  Apply it to others, not just to yourself. What have you done today to honor another?
  2. Make your Love an active principle.  Love in action looks like kindness, honor and respect. Create it everywhere you go. No matter what. Where have you been kind today?
  3. Honor Truth.  Speak truth.  Research everything you share. Don’t spread gossip, lies and propaganda.  Everyday, dig a little deeper for the real truth in some story you hear.  Be truth. What have you researched today? 
  4. Educate yourself about all these things.  Follow your curiosity with reputable sources.  Create questions.  Look for the answers.  History can teach us so much.  What have you learned today that you didn’t know before?

Despite everything I remain an optimist.  If I’m wrong, I would rather live as an optimist anyway.  But hope and action and love are powerful forces.   I invite you, my fellow Americans of all persuasions, to join me in these actions.  Our beloved nation is at stake.  And it belongs to all of us. Let Love lead the way.   

Linda Chubbuck  June 2018   

Empath for the World

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 


Linda has been distressed at what she experiences as her distractibility and lack of focus and we would remind you that 2-3 simple practices can alter that.  We will bring those up for examination now. 

So the greater ease in your lives because of consistent income has reduced pressure and to some extent reduced focus especially in Linda.  The doorways seem wider and more open and there are so many that she would enjoy walking through.   So if you think of yourself as a spiritual and emotional refugee that has come from a difficult and challenging time and now you are in a space where you have everything you need – you have the ability to make choices and one of the things that can happen is a lack of focus.  

There’s no need to chide yourself but it may help just to understand it.  The remedy is to return your focus to your inner world and at least for the moment remove it from the outer world.  Your inner world is rich and true and creative. With practices in place to check in there regularly, your distress at lack of focus will dissolve and you will find yourself playing a part in that larger outer world as well.  

We encourage you to use a recorded insight meditation to restore your focus.  We encourage you to journal and to channel. To call Silent Unity today, to write on your book today.  Clear the channel and you will find your way again.  Rather quickly because you are not as lost as you judge yourself to be.   

We know that you have been distraught and despairing and even cynical about what is happening in the world.  This is because of where you are in your gift to the world… you have a sensitivity.  

In many ways you are an empath for the world and that’s not so easy. You are successful at creating boundaries with other persons in your family and your life and you do relatively well at that.  But you have few filters and few boundaries when it comes to the planet. 

The Edge of the Forest-Empath for the World

And yet we admonish you to remember that your gift and your power lie in your own work and your own focus. A great deal of your pain in regards to the world will lift as you recommit to focusing on your own depth of connection. As you put your own gifts out into the world.   

So imagine yourself as the herbalist, the herbalist who lives in the forest at the edge of the village, who knows so much and loves so greatly.  But a plague comes and takes down the people of the town. And many people are suffering.  

As the forest-dwelling herbalist do you stand on the edge of the village and watch in anguish as the plague takes people down? or do you go home and mix your healing remedies and do what you can?

We know you know. We are always with you, even when you feel you have lost focus we are right here.   

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2018.  

Pivoting To Claim Your Miracle

Have you ever been stuck in a confined space (like an airport terminal waiting area) with a crying baby nearby?

Let me guess… your thoughts scroll through this list: “Poor kid.  Wish the mom would do something.  Ommmm.  Ignore it.  Baby will quit soon – surely!   For God’s sakes what is wrong with that kid!  What is wrong with that mom!?  Ommmmm… I want the peace of God…”  

Safe bet that most of the travelers within earshot are entertaining similar thoughts, and the emotions that arrive on the heels of their thought-of-choice.

But here’s a story I read this week about several women who did something different.  Pivoted.


In the LA airport (I’ve been through it – not an uplifting place IMO), a toddler waiting with his pregnant momma began to cry, then to wail.  He had a total meltdown and despite his momma’s best efforts, would not board their plane nor stop screaming.  His mother, because of his size and her pregnant belly, could not just pick him up and take him.

After several failed attempts the mother did something unusual.. she knelt down beside her screaming son and wept on the floor.

Who knows what thoughts were going through the minds of those nearby?

But something shifted.  One by one, several women nearby got up and knelt down beside the weeping mother and her screaming son, making a circle around them.  Beth, the woman who later told the story on Facebook, sang Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Another woman peeled an orange to offer. Another found a little toy in her handbag. Another helped the momma get out a sippy cup and get her son a drink.

Suppose any of them were praying as well?

Both Momma and Son calmed down, were able to board the plane, and the circle of 6 or 7 women dissolved back into the waiting passengers, without discussing the incident.

A miracle of connection, calming and gratitude happened where there was anger, fear and despair before.

What catalyzed the pivot?

Someone – then several someones – chose gratitude and love over grudges and judging.

Instead of resenting the mom, ignoring the crying, or judging the situation, the women chose loving action and presence.

A Course in Miracles says Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.  (from Lesson 347)

If you stay in judgment and resentment you will never know what miracle could have appeared if you pivoted into gratitude. Maybe your miracle was simply your peace of mind. Or maybe it was something far more astonishing.

Like a Circle of Women appearing to transform despair into peace in the LAX terminal.

copyright Linda Chubbuck 2018 

Why I’m creating a New Normal instead of using my ASS (Ancestral Survival Skills)

Today I feel “normal.”  I’m trying to do normal things – like paying the bills, cleaning the clutter and the floors, watering my thirsty garden, cleaning the kitchen, and yes, writing. Your list may be longer, but with a similar sense of urgency I’m guessing. This feels normal to me.

But there’s a longer view. A bigger picture that is pulling me in. It’s starting to come into focus for me. Seeing through the glass darkly all my life, I’m now beginning to see face to face.

High Coherence with HeartMath HRV

Here’s the bigger picture.  We are living in a time of rapid evolution.  A few visionaries know this and talk about it, but most of us just keep on living from the skills our species evolved thousands of years ago.

Those ASSes

And those skills – honed to live in a very different world – are killing us now.

Let’s examine our Ancestral Survival Skills (ASS for short).

Those ASS skills – the skills that gave our ancestors enough years of life to reproduce – include the famous Fight/Flight/Freeze response to danger.  That danger/stress response has become chronic in many of us.  Stress is now linked to the top 6 causes of death in the US, and 75{e5e6110c802fdb1e05cdfcf4662e0e010d7c870f1f57cfa3ea8c73ada09f2974} of all visits to doctors are stress-related.

Those Ancestral Survival Skills – that Darwin examined as he wrote of the survival of the fittest – include a Negativity Bias, an alertness to whatever “bad” thing there is that might threaten us. Our media knows this and sells issues or shows based on blood, conflict, trauma and especially, fear.

Those ASS skills include a strong preference for sweet, salt, carbohydrates, and fat, to keep our bodies healthy through famine times.  Foods with these flavors but without innate nutrients contribute to innumerable health issues.

Those ASS skills include a brute strength to take on any enemy. We live in a time of quick reactions to perceived aggression—which sometimes results in innocent lives lost.

Ancestral Survival Skills.  Fight/Flight/Freeze.  Negativity Bias.  Appetite for Sweets, Carbs, Salts and Fats. Reactive Aggression.

Those served our paleolithic, tribal, close-to-nature ancestors so well that they survived the large mammal attacks, the snakes in the grass, the brutal winters, the times of famine, the hostile neighbors. They thrived and built civilizations and had babies and kept learning.

They gave us life and the world we live in today.

But the world we live in is not the world they lived in.  And it’s changing so rapidly none of us can keep up, using our normal ASS skills.

Danger? or Opportunity? Depends on the Tools you Choose

Did you know that oxygen was once a toxin? Yep. For the anaerobic bacteria that were the dominant species on the planet oxygen was a poison and fortunately for them, there was very little of it. Then the blue-green algae began to flourish, throwing off oxygen as a by-product. Eventually there was so much oxygen there were massive die-offs.  Other life forms – tiny plants – developed which could use oxygen. The anaerobic bacteria were relegated to the bottom of the ocean.  Those other life forms began to flourish. Suddenly a whole new world opened up.   A world where oxygen was no longer a toxin.    (Read more here)

We are in the midst of another evolutionary leap. There are no guarantees. There are dozens of ways we could end human life on earth right now and create our own mass extinction.

But I believe we won’t. I believe we will instead evolve to the next level of humanity. I believe we will let go of the ASS, and will discover and use new tools that serve who we are now and where we are headed. And with enough of us using those new tools, we will make it.

Here are the tools  – the Connective Survival Tools (CST) – that we need to “breathe oxygen” and to make it into the future:

1) The ability to live in two worlds at once – the physical, and the mental/spiritual – and maintain sanity.

2) The ability to acknowledge the negative, the dangers, without focusing there and feeding that negativity with our creative energy.

3)  The ability to sort through the vast information swamps and choose what is actually helpful to our own peace and harmony and growth.

4) The ability to activate the Heart – to become aware of the ASS stress response and instead to train our bodies to live in Heart Coherence.

5) The ability to know our own Evolutionary Appetites, and to choose beneficial foods for our bodies instead of partaking from the vast buffet available to us without regard for consequences.

6) The ability to use intention, meditation, visualization, intuition, imagination and creativity from a place of peace, of mindfulness, to create the world we want to live in – to reinvent our selves and our world.

7) The ability to choose our Tribe based on the tools that Tribe is using and our desire to grow and thrive with them.

8) The ability to enjoy our Tribe while interacting with other Tribes in peaceful ways.

9)  The ability to practice – and identify with – Love as the Creative Connective Force which underlies all Life and all of these principles.

Each of these invites exploration and expansion and I’ll write more about each in the coming days.

Alma, Eva, and my New Normal

Today, my ASS( Ancestral Survival Skills) told me to clean the kitchen, sweep the floor, pay the bills.  My ASS self (we’ll call her Alma)

Dirty Dishes – kitchen needs cleaning

insisted that was the only responsible thing to do.  But today I’m learning to breathe that seemingly dangerous oxygen… I’m learning to cultivate Heart Coherence, and to make new choices. My Connective Angel (Eva we’ll call her) quietly but firmly nudged me to walk away from a messy kitchen (I never do that!) and to write instead.

I’m learning to retrain my body out of its habitual (feels normal to me!) stress state, which has resulted in hypertension, and into a state of heart coherence and peace – which is actually measurable by simple to use instruments.

My sister once told me that we overestimate what we can do in one year, and underestimate what we can do in five.

We are in an accelerated period of evolutionary change. Humans must begin to recognize and use their creative power wisely.  Humans must recognize that many of our Ancestral Survival Skills are now devastating our bodies, our communities and our planet.

I’m training myself to a New Normal. Teaching my body the Connective Survival Tools means putting Creativity ahead of house-cleaning. Peaceful Body ahead of washing dishes. Connecting ahead of negativity bias.

Just like it took me several months and intense training to learn to drive, so it now may take focus and intense training to teach my body new tools.  I must remember I overestimate what I can do in 5 days, and underestimate what I can do in 3 months.

I am part of the evolutionary process and I will do it with Love and Open Eyes.

I’m creating a New Normal. Will you join me?


Triage for the Soul: When Positive Thinking Fails

Kitty Love. Triage for the Soul

Yesterday I found myself in the shadows – again. Verging on despair, I saw lack and pain everywhere I looked. For a few hours, I was living on the Dark Side.

I kept trying to switch to positive thoughts. But it wasn’t working. I felt like someone had flash frozen my outsides, while my insides were spinning and agitated. Happy thoughts were failing me.

An old tub washer made of ice, set on heavy duty, working on a tub full of mud. That was me.

The issues were 1) two fractured neck vertebrae (4 weeks ago now) and the rigid neck brace I wear day and night; 2) poor sleeping because of the neck brace; 3) worsening sleep apnea because of the neck brace; 4) chronic borderline hypertension and possible medication coming up, and 5) ten days of our beautiful tomcat Mr. Kitty gone missing.

Kitty Love. Triage for the Soul
Kitty Love. Triage for the Soul

My efforts at meditation felt meaningless. My biofeedback practice gave me lackluster results (I can’t get this stuff to work!). Our posters for Mr. Kitty yielded no results. And my positive thinking efforts were met by my inner cynic. I won’t tell you what she said.

Worst of all, trying to go to sleep at night resulted in finally getting drowsy, then as eyes closed, my throat closed as well and I choked. And woke up of course, repeatedly. Until I didn’t even want to try to sleep anymore. My blood pressure was high in the morning because of the sleep apnea.

Yesterday was crappy.

Traumas and Sorrows, to Joy and Resources

I finally set up a phone appointment with my brother, a Somatic Experience Psychotherapist*, for evening.

By the end of the session with him I realized that I had been blocking the real sense of loss and grief I had over the fractures, my immobility, what “could have happened,” and then, the loss of our kitty as well. Lots of tears. But by the end of the tears and the end of the session, I felt thawed out and peaceful inside.

I also was reminded of the many resources I have, and that I don’t have to stay in that frozen mud place. I can move in and out. Even during the ambulance ride to the ER for the fractures, I knew I would be okay. I can go back to that knowing now.

My brother described an infinity sign, like a figure 8 laid on its side, with one of the loops containing the traumas and sorrows, and the other, all the resources I have in my life. We all want the happy side. But the pain and the shadows are also part of us and cannot be long ignored, or we become frozen and joyless.

I can acknowledge, feel, and cry over the traumas – which are real, but not the only thing in my life. Then I can move myself, thawed out, to the Resources. There I find my husband, my friends, my large and loving community, my children, my prayers, my books, my spiritual practice, my songs, nature, and more.

Maybe most important, my own sense of trust and empowerment.

Pain Wants to Change Me

I forget so readily this easy move back and forth, from pain to peace. Each time I try to avoid the pain and just think happy!  Sometimes that works.

But other times, the pain is deep enough it can’t be brushed off like a fly. It must be acknowledged and incorporated.  It wants to change me, and if I refuse to admit it’s there, it spins faster, freezes harder, and I grow more frantic. (Sounds like hypertension doesn’t it?)

Triage is the intake area in battle or disaster situations, where a quick evaluation is made of the wounded, and patients are then moved into areas based on their traumas and needs.

When things go sour for me, when I am wounded by something, I have to remember to do triage for my soul. How bad am I hurt? Will a little positive thinking lift my spirits?

Or do I need “surgery?”  Do I need the deep care that acknowledges and cleanses the hurt before the stitching back together and the TLC?

Gifts from the Dark Side

Kitty Love TLC
Kitty Love TLC

Both are important. But if you find yourself with a deepening sense of despair and hopelessness, or an inner anxiety that won’t let go unless you self-medicate, then I encourage you to take a Guide with you and visit that frozen mud, that monster inside.

Visit the Dark Side within and cry your tears. Feel your grief, your regrets. Bring the Light of your love into your own shadows.  It is Positively Okay to feel sadness now and then.

Then come out into the Sunshine, remind yourself of Light, and call upon your Resources.  Make a note not to be afraid to check out the Dark Side now and again. There may be gifts waiting for you there.


* Paul Chubbuck is a counselor in Fort Collins CO who also does online work.  You can find him at Releasing the Past  .