Truth in the Face of Lies

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Linda:  It seems so discouraging and overwhelming that the media is filled with lies and people are believing them, and taking action on them. As if there’s no CARE for what the truth is, and no effort to find it. As if lies can build a world on their own, a world of ill intent, just by force of will.  What good is truth?  Does truth have any power? How can we possibly get to, and share truth when lies are so popular? Can you speak to this, please?

Yeshua:  Lies have always been popular. They are now being exposed as popular. We assure you, there is a force greater than lies that never ends. It’s simply not making the headlines.  

Your headlines are the surface only, with rare exceptions. And yet they are noisy. With the noise comes seeming power, but again, only on the surface. Half of earth’s population could declare – and write headlines and hashtags – that the earth is flat. The earth does not change because of the declaration.  

Linda:  I understand that. But sometimes people are put to death because of not agreeing with lies, or because of the lies themselves. It feels like lies are powerful and do damage in many ways. I watch this and I’m sad and frightened. What do I do? What do we do?

Yeshua:  There are many variations on lies, but they all have this in common – they contradict what cannot be changed. The Big Lies are saying evil can win; humans are separate and of varying worth; there is no connection; individuals can get away with bad things; humans die; everything dies; and more.   

The Big Truths are this:  physical form dies or changes, but the Life that animates that form is forever; everything is connected, because everything is built by and from Life; Life is the same thing you also call God; Life is the same thing you also call Love; humans are impatient for good and for justice, but all things work together for good, it just plays out over a larger epic scope than you understand;  nothing dies – the Life force leaves physical form and goes on to the next chapter.   

To counteract Big Lies and small lies both – train yourself to look for the big picture, the long view. Train yourself to speak the Truth always (this may take changing a lot of habits) – truth about what you feel, who you are, what you want, what you see.  Call out lies – but refrain from arrogance.  You may be missing information, or mistaken. Be open to the fact that there can be illusions at work in you as well. Look for the long view. Look for Truth, and look for the places where you see Truth triumphing. When you do this, you will see more.   

Be impeccable with your own behavior. Humans have lived in a cozy relationship with lies for millennia, and this is where that set of choices has brought you. To undo that coziness will take some discomfort.   

Be a Truth-teller without judgment. Be a Truth-teller about your Self first, then dare to determine truth in the world and share it. Be open to feedback. Remember your perception is not always Truth, because it IS your perception.   

L: Thank you. This helps. 

Schedule a Channeled Insight session with Linda here.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 

Children and Fear

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Jesus, Yeshua, I have questions and I want to hear well.  I want to listen deeply and hear your responses, your wisdom. 

Ask. You will hear. 

Linda:  I want to ask about children and fear, children and trauma.  Children in our country are having to go through Active Shooter Drills.  Many parents are distraught.  There are so many things wrong with this picture.  What about the children?  What about their fear?

Yeshua:  Except for the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, children are born with no fears.  All the other fears are learned through interactions with the adults or people around them, or with the world itself. We are going to lead you through some difficult territory here, so hold on. 

In this situation, i.e. active shooter drills, there is the social issue of domestic terrorism, which is its own symptom of fear and separation.  We will not address that at the moment, but rather focus on the playing out of that. Given that the children may be in danger, how do we protect them and minimize the damage, the anguish they may experience?

Let’s say you live in a community subject to wildfires and it’s a dangerous season. The school may have fire drills and rehearse practices that will save lives.  This does not have to be done with fear, even though a real fire might produce some fear. It also is a separate (as if there were any separation…) issue from the dry conditions, the placement of homes, careless use of flames, etc. But if the teachers in charge are very afraid of fires, it’s easy to see the children will be influenced.  

Fear is useful, for a moment, to get something to shift.  Fear is destructive when it becomes a chronic condition.  Anytime fear threatens to become chronic, it must be faced directly and examined:  what needs to change to eliminate the fear? My state of mind? A social condition? An imbalance of power? An injustice?  

These shooter drills can be taught and rehearsed without fear, by the adults. Yet those adults may have to acknowledge their own fears (in appropriate settings), and be prepared to deal with the fears of some of the children.   

There are many situations in your world where you take precautions to protect the body from physical harm, yet you do it without fear. Seat belts. Fire drills. Insurance. Tornado drills. These are not harmful to children or adults if they are done without fear-based emotions.  Beyond these preventive measures then, a community of people can look at the “why” of each of these.  Do cars need to be safer so no seat belts are needed?   Do buildings need to be constructed differently to be fire-safe? Do guns need to be regulated more than they are? And more. 

So a parent of a child facing active shooter drills may share these questions and support:  Do you understand why you are having this type of drill?  Does it scare you?  Are the teachers or some of the children scared?  Tell me more about it. How do you feel about it?    

Based on the responses from your child (remember, all responses are acceptable), you can offer additional information:  A long time ago, children going to school had to worry about bad diseases that many of them got. But that’s not happening anymore, because we found some good answers. Right now, however, some very disturbed people are using guns to hurt other people, so we have to find ways to stay safe. Your school will probably NEVER have a real shooter, but if they did, you would know how to stay safe. Just like we fasten seatbelts in the car – but how often do we really need them? Still, we keep fastening the seatbelts.  

Besides keeping your body safe, let’s talk about how to deal with your own fear.     

At this point the parent – or teacher – should share ways they, and the child, can calm their own fears while still taking the needed action. That might be prayer. It might be a calming song. It might be a poem. It may come from your own faith tradition or might be secular, but must be powerful enough to resonate, and to stay with the child. Whatever you bring to your child, invite them to come up with their own resources – what they might bring to the situation as well.   

Fearful adults can create fear in children.  

Numbed-out adults can create numbness in children.  

Dismissive adults can create confusion and fear in children. 

Honest, loving and calm adults will encourage authenticity, courage and clarity in children.   

There are answers.  

*** To receive your own Channeled Insight in a phone or Skype session, contact Linda here.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 

Finding Answers that Give you Chills

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.

Linda: Given the busyness of this world and my life (and most people’s lives), how can we possibly find the answers and the wisdom that I KNOW is available to us?  To solve the personal problems, to solve the global and community problems?

Yeshua:  Each of you must find your own way, and we will suggest several. But the doorways all have this in common: before you can enter this door, you must know it is there. Of all the information the world is offering you – millions of bits at any given moment, and more at your fingertips – only a tiny fraction contains Wisdom.  Wisdom that crosses barriers and is undistorted. The Wisdom-containing answers are the ones that give you chills when you hear them; the ones that bring you to your knees in relief or gratitude; the ones that you are willing to leave everything else for, and follow.  

These are the Wisdom answers. 

Wisdom has always been like a tiny but vast treasure, a gem in the midst of a field of coal.   Yes, it’s there, but concealed by so much chaff, so much of inconsequence.   

To access these gems one must find a way to develop your own x-ray vision, your own laser focus.  Some do it by meditation and inviting the wisdom to come to them, in the silence.   Some do it by an intention to see clearly, and becoming very present.  When one is exquisitely present to what is, all of life becomes clear…. what is the rubbish? What is the treasure?  Presence will reveal these things to you.   

Others find Wisdom through Wisdom teachers and traditions, and following a path laid out for them by the Ancestors. Still others encounter Wisdom through a life-altering or even a near death experience, when suddenly the difference between Wisdom and facts becomes crystal clear.   

And others, such as you, find it by directly conversing with a Wisdom teacher who can reach across the veil and convey Wisdom, along with information as needed.   

There are many ways to access Wisdom.

Linda: What can a person do to recognize Wisdom, and to find their own way to access it?

Y: Begin with quieting your mind. Either in meditation or in nature. Add in the study of Wisdom teachers (there are many sacred texts).  

Over time you will find yourself receiving direct guidance that makes sense to you, and perhaps surprises and assists you. This can happen quickly, or slowly over time, depending primarily on your willingness, on your openness to hear things that don’t suit your preconceived concepts.   

L: How can I and others begin to trust Wisdom that comes directly, when there are so many conflicting ideas?

Y: Acknowledge that the stakes are high. This world cannot go on driven by facts and conflict and arguments. Acknowledge that there are higher answers that are accessible, that can solve seemingly impossible dilemmas.   

Then commit to finding your own way to access Wisdom. Read books and teachers of the highest level and begin to ask your own questions, seek the answers that work beyond what you can imagine. When you begin to sense the responses you get, you are most likely to react with doubt and skepticism. Do your best to overcome that. Take chances at the ‘local’ level, and try trusting the wisdom when the stakes are not so high. This will prepare you to trust as the stakes become higher.  

Study the stories of others who have made a life’s work of listening, no matter what tradition they are in. The stories will inspire you and bring you comfort, like lamps along the path.   

Wisdom is accessible to all of Life. Wisdom has the answers you long for, but doubt their existence.   

Wisdom can communicate with you. Learn to listen. Then listen again, and again, and again. Find the answers that give you chills.  That’s how you change the world for good.  

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2019. 


Prayer. Intention. Alignment.

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 

We hear you stating that you have no particular questions and you would just like us to talk at the highest level that you can hold onto at this point so that’s where we will begin. 

Angel in the Sand

We want to tell you both that you vastly underestimate your own creative power of Prayer, Intention and Alignment. 

Prayer, Intention and Alignment. 

When you apply P I A to any topic, things improve.  And you may want to say “Why?” since there’s no God-Santa Claus handing out goodies in response to requests. Yes, this is true but you are aligned with all beings on earth.  When you line up and you see things – in your mind – turning out well for this set of beings, you shift the energy in that direction.  You shift the energy in the direction of well-being.    

And others pick up on that notion and they join you and also shift the energy in that direction of well-being.  Things happen as a result of your prayers and your intentions and the visions you see in your mind, with your sense of alignment with good, with All-That-Is.

You want to know how you can pray for your country right now and for the world.  Here’s what we say to you.  

For every trouble spot that you become aware of, literally see angels.  See a force field of love and light working within Congress.  See a force field of love and light working within the White House.   See literally angels, which are simply the representatives of Good, and of the Miraculous.

See these force fields wherever you see the presence of fear and all its consequences.  See these force fields of good, just like you did at the Memorial. 

And watch the results that come from that.  Miracles come out of that.  Ill intent is blocked.  This is not a trivial thing.  You are a powerful co-creator. When you take your physical form and you align it with well-being and with miracles, literally things start getting better. 

So here’s how we say to you to pray. 

Prayer. Put yourself in a place of peace. Alignment. From there, go through your list, and if anything is difficult for you to imagine, (Intention) imagine angels in that situation.  In whatever you consider a trouble spot, see a force field of love and light.  See angels.   And feel the feeling of relief.  

We will take you through one right now.  

As you think about [a recent shooting event] see the scene that was the scene of [their] death.  See that scene also filled with angels, and with Light. Let all the forces come together, so that this may be used, literally, for good.  This force field of Light and angelic presence and good enlarges and stretches and covers  [them and all who loved them].  [They are] comforted, blessed with knowing [they] did not die in vain.  [They] died as an agent of Truth.  

While [their bodies] may not have died willingly, [their souls were] prepared. In your mind, you see consciences awakening; those responsible tossing and turning, called by the Light to do the right thing.  Individuals being called by their own angels to do the right thing.   

This is how you pray.

Prayer.  Intention.  Alignment.  

Use this whenever you feel tempted to worry or despair.  We send this with you as a blessing today.   Go in peace.  Use the power of your mind for good.  

We are glad you took the time to listen today.   

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2018.  

Empath for the World

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 


Linda has been distressed at what she experiences as her distractibility and lack of focus and we would remind you that 2-3 simple practices can alter that.  We will bring those up for examination now. 

So the greater ease in your lives because of consistent income has reduced pressure and to some extent reduced focus especially in Linda.  The doorways seem wider and more open and there are so many that she would enjoy walking through.   So if you think of yourself as a spiritual and emotional refugee that has come from a difficult and challenging time and now you are in a space where you have everything you need – you have the ability to make choices and one of the things that can happen is a lack of focus.  

There’s no need to chide yourself but it may help just to understand it.  The remedy is to return your focus to your inner world and at least for the moment remove it from the outer world.  Your inner world is rich and true and creative. With practices in place to check in there regularly, your distress at lack of focus will dissolve and you will find yourself playing a part in that larger outer world as well.  

We encourage you to use a recorded insight meditation to restore your focus.  We encourage you to journal and to channel. To call Silent Unity today, to write on your book today.  Clear the channel and you will find your way again.  Rather quickly because you are not as lost as you judge yourself to be.   

We know that you have been distraught and despairing and even cynical about what is happening in the world.  This is because of where you are in your gift to the world… you have a sensitivity.  

In many ways you are an empath for the world and that’s not so easy. You are successful at creating boundaries with other persons in your family and your life and you do relatively well at that.  But you have few filters and few boundaries when it comes to the planet. 

The Edge of the Forest-Empath for the World

And yet we admonish you to remember that your gift and your power lie in your own work and your own focus. A great deal of your pain in regards to the world will lift as you recommit to focusing on your own depth of connection. As you put your own gifts out into the world.   

So imagine yourself as the herbalist, the herbalist who lives in the forest at the edge of the village, who knows so much and loves so greatly.  But a plague comes and takes down the people of the town. And many people are suffering.  

As the forest-dwelling herbalist do you stand on the edge of the village and watch in anguish as the plague takes people down? or do you go home and mix your healing remedies and do what you can?

We know you know. We are always with you, even when you feel you have lost focus we are right here.   

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2018.  

A Thunderstorm to Go With the Change

Looming Thunderstorm

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 

The questions I asked this morning in late October were about my personal health challenges at the time, along with the political landscape and chaos.   This was the response.  

You have to remember that long sought-after change frequently arrives in the midst of what could either be called chaos or challenges.

The change that you wish for is radically different enough that just coming on a clear blue-sky day doesn’t happen.  There is a thunderstorm to go with it. And the events of your life then end up being the thunderstorm.

Looming Thunderstorm
Looming Thunderstorm

You can interpret them as suffering, but you don’t have to. You can interpret them as signs of change instead. Things are being uncovered, things are being revealed –  that needed to be revealed.

Things are being unlearned that seemed set in concrete. Eyes are being opened. Some of this is not comfortable even though it may be ultimately freeing.

You will heal from all of this, to where it’s barely a memory. At the moment the best course is to allow the emotions to come and go knowing that they are the waves of thunder and the bolts of lightning. But they don’t stay. Behind them all the sun is shining and the Heart of the Divine is always present.

We will give you the answer to all, which we say, tongue in cheek… the answer to all is: do your research, learn, explore, use your intelligence.. then let go. And trust the miracles.

Do your research. Trust the miracles.

Remember this one. We are glad you come to listen. You are doing well.

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2017.  

A Proclivity for Violence

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 


Stan:   I’m asking about my body… my body’s kind of structural aches and pains that are becoming chronic.

Would you reword that?  Becoming implies future, correct?

S. Yeah.

Can you say something along the lines of “pains that have been with me for awhile and I’m ready to be done with them”?

S: Yeah, certainly.

Can you feel the difference in that?

S: Yes. I’m ready to move forward on healing several aspects of my body and I have different practitioners and different ways forward and I just wondered if there was any guidance.

Yes, we’re glad you asked. So are you ready for some honesty?


The Familiarity of Violence

We believe that you remain unaware of this factor. We’re going to put it into words and ask you to look at it and be willing to heal this first of all. And you will be astonished at how much else heals. That is, you have a proclivity for violence in language, in actions, in thoughts. Because you have matured and grown as a loving being, the damage has been confined to primarily your own body and aches and pains. You have not had a lot of accidents in your life. Violent thoughts can draw to yourself accidents and you have not had a lot of those.

Nevertheless those thoughts are influencing your body.  Can you feel the truth in what we say or do you feel resistance?

S: No, I can feel that.

Does it feel extremely familiar to you, that way of being?

S: Yes.

What would it take to have that not feel familiar? What would it take to release that?

S: Well, that overarching love feeling (discussed earlier here:  Put Joy and Love )–bringing love to bear at every moment and every aspect.

All right, let’s take a moment and just explore that, with no other concerns about healing right now. Just explore. When we use the word violence and suggest that’s a chronic streak in your state of mind, and you can agree that this is so, can you give us a couple of recent examples of this?

S: I spoke of a terrorist that should be ground into pulp.  Quite often I react with anger and violence to cars that are speeding. And there’s no love at all.

And underlying the violence would be… is it fear? Can you take it back a layer? Just peel back the layers and see what’s behind there?

S: Hmmm.. it’s kind of like if I did that I would face certain violence against me. As if I’m saying “Don’t you know that doing this will mean that you will be violently treated — or injured?”

Let yourself explore that for a moment. Just feel it. Any one of the incidents that feels close to you. Just let yourself go there. Let yourself go back.

Love and Violence

Any words, any shapes, any colors, any stories that come to you now, just speak them.  If you wish, travel back in time,  like you do with Inner Counselor.*   There is something in you says “This is the answer to life. This is the answer to difficult, the answer to pain, the answer to problems.”

We invite you to let that unfold..

S: I’m remembering a practice we (my family) had with the dogs and cats we liked — the  barnyard cats that were effective, the dogs we fell in love with. We would hold them down and run over their tales with a wagon or a tractor.

How did you feel during that?

S: Very conflicted as a young boy.

What was the conflict?

S: Deliberately hurting the creature.

And calling it Love?

S: Right.

Do you believe it was love?

S: “It’s for your own good.”  A phrase I heard a lot. “I’ll beat you now but it’s for your own good.”

Uh-hmm.  Let your heart feel that.

A Violent Prescription?

You’ve mentioned experiencing a lack of training, training that leads a young person to a better place. And in place of training was episodic violence.

S: Yes.

And do you see how you have matured into a man who controls that violence? You are not a violent person towards other people. But you also haven’t really healed it.

It’s as if there’s a streak of violence and the anguish that goes with it running straight through your body. Vertically. And it can’t just live there peacefully, it has to be expressed. So there’s this violent edginess, watching for someone that needs a violent prescription.

Including yourself.

Do you see how difficult it is for your body to be completely at ease, completely healthy?  With that streak very present?

S: Yeah.

So think of any animal or child that you love without reservation. Who comes to mind?

S: Oh… Max.

Alright. Now put him in your arms, in your heart. Would you run over his finger to keep him from doing something that he should not?

S: No.

Why not?

S: It’s a bad lesson.

What would you do instead?

Can Love Be the Teacher?

S: I would talk to him. Explain things. Give him examples. Let him practice the right behavior.

And if he failed?

S: I might try it in a different setting.

Do you think love itself can be a teacher?  Love and experience and wisdom?  Or is violence a necessary part of teaching?

S: It’s not.

We invite you to revisit your own lessons in violence and your own tendency in that direction and put them side by side with Max. And consider if you are wiling to let them go.

This may have to happen over a period of days or weeks. You may even want to have a ceremony of release. You’ll find that when you do this, when you allow yourself to become aware and then choose to release that habitual reaction— that your body will heal so quickly you will be amazed.

A Love Brigade

S: I see a vision of a very strong rigid hedge post somewhere down the middle of my body.


S: And a kind of a love brigade of composting organisms that are starting to turn it into valuable material by slowly digesting it.

Yes. You’ll need to make a commitment to catch yourself because these violent thoughts are aimed at the world at large, at drivers and others,  at yourself.  They are random grenades that are thrown off.  Your awareness is the first medicine.

You have to make a choice that this thought is not useful. It’s not coming from love and it’s not the way you want to live your life.   Once your’ve made that intention and decision, your awareness will increase, and then it’s a matter of just breaking those habits.

Have we given you enough of a road map to find your way into healing from this?

S: Yes.

Catch all of those thoughts and bring Max into the picture. Ask: “Would I do this to him?”

S: Right.  And everyone is beloved of God.

Yes. Alright. We are glad you come to listen. We’re always glad to connect.  We are always present, but an intentional connection is different than just vague awareness.

Have a blessed day.


* Inner Counselor is a process developed by Ann Nunley, MFA, Preceived September 9, 2017

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2017.  

Put Joy and Love over the Top of Everything

Spiderweb in dew with Mist

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. 


Stan:  I’m just learning a bit about putting positive emotion behind my intentions. And it seems pretty valuable. Do you have any comments on that? In meditation or waking life?

It’s very foundational that your two basic energetic states are fear, which includes anger and judgment and all forms of what are called negative emotions. Self-righteousness, defensiveness… feel how all of those are fear? Even though they may have different names, and different nuances they are all different flavors of fear.

Spiderweb in dew with MistAnd love.

Fear is contractive while love is expansive. Love is generosity and clear seeing, tenderness, faith.  So when you talk about putting positive emotion behind some intention you are talking about combining it with love as opposed to combining it with fear. Love is the expansive emotion. Love is the energy of creation.

Fear Cannot Really Do You In

So yes, if you want to manifest your creations you merge them with love. If you merge that same intention with fear, there is a creative element to fear, but it is essentially the energy of the Universe showing you that fear cannot really do you in.

Fear cannot take away the ultimate reality. So you have to go through a certain number of illusions if you invoke fear.  You have to go through  illusions to prove to yourself that these can’t really take away the truth.

Do you understand what we’re describing?

S: Uh-hmmm.

Think of a story that has several endings and you choose the endings. And the prompter on the side of the stage sends in the right characters for the ending that you are setting up. And it doesn’t change reality, but it changes your story for the time being.

Does that help? Do you need a specific?

Living Under a Cloud

S: No. It seems you have to wake up to know that fear can’t take away the love underneath. If you’re not awake fear can be your reality and seem to be real. It’s like living under a cloud.

You realize that most of the teachings that we taught and left you with, that were written down, some in a familiar form, some in a not-so-familiar form, are expressing that.

S: Uh-hmmm.

Helping the human race get past living from fear is a huge assignment. But more and more people are coming to it. The time IS now.

Over the Top?  Or Under the Foundation?

S: I’ve been pessimistic a lot of my life and it’s revelatory to just put joy and love over the top of everything. I’ve only started doing it in the last month.

Or under the foundation of everything, however you wish to look at it.

S: It’s there at the foundation of everything, and I need to consciously invoke it. And align with it.

Fears are Obligated to Appear

And these fears are obligated to show up to prove to you that they can’t really destroy you.

S:  But you may not come to that realization until later.

Even until death sometimes.

S: Thank you. Good.

You are welcome and we’re glad that you ask these good questions.


Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2017.  

This conversation happened in the early morning September 9, 2017. 

Your Heart Is Being Asked To Stretch

Gate in Findhorn

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world.  This conversation happened in the wee hours of the morning on August 13, 2017. 

You are hearing us correctly.  A short while ago we told you, “This is what consciousness needs to awaken.”  Remember nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.* So as you and millions of other become more and more conscious, but live in a sea of unconsciousness, these ripples and waves and whirlpools will happen where consciousness comes face to face with unconsciousness.

Some people wake up in a moment of great beauty. Some people wake up in moments of great sorrow. Some people wake up in a moment of great determination when they recognize their own power and connection.Gate in Findhorn

We know you are troubled about the hatred made visible at Charlottesville. And we’ll speak to that. We’ll let Linda move a little further to one side first.

L: So this is Linda speaking.  Jesus, Yeshua, my intention is to step completely to the side and allow your guidance to come through unadulterated. To allow pure love to come through me, to speak through me, without the filter of, the contamination of fear. To bring words and energy that are guiding lights and hope to the people of this planet. To open my heart and my mind to receive as a channel accurately with presence.

What if you saw the angels present?

You cannot avoid the feelings of sorrow and dismay but you can contain them. You can shorten them by your remembrance of what is true. What if you saw the scene in Charlottesville and could also see there were thousands of angels present. And incredible love and power. In the humans as well as the angels. That all those persons met there on purpose to further the cause of awakening, to provide contrast and allow people to make decisions, to step up.

You are asking in your mind about friends of yours who have supported this leadership and now you haven’t seen them for a long time. Just know that they and millions of others are going through their own dark nights of the soul. While you may be struggling with dismay and even recoiling in disgust they are struggling with their part in this unfolding of events.

This is an important sequence for them and others. While it’s appropriate to mourn and to have your own emotions it’s also important to move out of them as quickly as possible. Back into gratitude and vision and faith. Don’t allow yourself to be stuck in this quicksand of hatred and despair.

Reaching across divisions

At any moment you can look at that or you can look at the tremendous reaching across of divisions that’s happening. It’s just as real and it is definitively going on right now. See it and listen for your part and turn your attention to the things you want more of.

Devices to help your own fear subside – Tapping would be good, the tapping sequence would protect your own energy. This will bring you the energetic equivalent of Wonder Woman’s wrist guards, deflecting the energy, which does not mean that you don’t go stand on the streets or do whatever it is you are guided to do.

But while you may attend only one event a week, your energy is active at all times.

Stan do you have any related questions?

S:  Do we simply stand and let it be known we don’t support this or is there another more active step?

You will feel your own guidance, don’t overlook your power. It’s a question to ask yourself throughout the day — what is mine to do in relation to this?

What happened was an energy shift

We encourage you to get together with others that are equally involved. Not to wallow in despair or to play “ain’t it awful,” but to actually pray and plan together. People look at external events and believe that they happen in isolation, this external event happened, this external event happened, but in actuality what happened was an energy shift. What was witnessed yesterday was the rage of those who’ve been living in fear and feeling unheard. They made their fear and all of the anger and judgment and hatred that goes with it visible yesterday. It’s understandably frightening to those that are not living in that level of fear, who were unaware of it.

So your energy, and your authentic energetic response is always valuable. Then you discern what is yours to do in the physical world as well.

We see and we encourage you to see a world of peace and connection and mutual respect, of tenderness and healing, of miracles. A world living on active love, awakened love, connective love.

Keep your energy in a place of love

We can’t tell you how long till this happens, but we can tell you you are right on track with the steps so at the same time you want to sink into despair and retaliation, instead sink into the nothingness, sink into peace and from there choose your next step. It is so important to keep your energy in a place of love, as you hold these events in your heart and experience the pain that they cause.   

Your heart is being asked to stretch, to encompass those with small eyes and cold hearts and say YES, and you are part of me, YES and you are part of us. 

No, you can’t do that physically. They would only bristle. But energetically you can do it and it is immensely powerful.

Take care of yourself energetically. Be honest about your feelings. Use tapping and prayer and meditation to bring yourself back to center. Then allow the actions that feel exactly right to you to become part of your experience. Spend that time in prayer and meditation and ask what is mine to do. But we assure you that what is yours to do first and foremost is to stretch your heart to encompass all of this. Then take care of your self.

We are always available individually or as you come together like this.  The more you practice this the more accurately you will hear.

* from A Course in Miracles introduction

received August 13, 2017

Conversations with Yeshua.  All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2017.  

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Both People Have Parts of the Truth, But They Are Too Angry….

Conversations with Yeshua.  This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world.  A special hug and thanks to Stan for allowing me to share this one.  

There are a great many topics of interest in your lives and on the planet currently. You are welcome to speak the ones of interest and we’ll address the one that Linda brought up as well.

S:  …That was how we trigger each other which leads to resentment and arguments and bad feelings and disconnection.  Avoiding that is obviously something we want to do. We’d both like more heartfelt communication.   

Disentangling the lump

There are parts and pieces of your communication dynamic that are valuable and other parts that are best avoided. In your minds and your behaviors those episodes are all one lump so we’ll help you deconstruct and disentangle the parts and pieces over the next few minutes.

Both of you are coming into your own as confident defined beings with certain inalienable rights. And we think you can feel the truth in the fact that that sort of confidence can easily tip over into arrogance. Can you feel that? So living as two strong independent beings in the same environment is a new skill, a new art. What’s going on in your marriage is also what needs to happen in your communities, in your nation and in your world.

When people become confident and take their power back they often ride roughshod over others. But not always. So in simple terms we’re going to encourage you to take your confidence back and combine it with generous listening.    

And know that for each of you, where you perceive a right of yours has been violated, your partner may have a different perception and only the courage and the kindness to talk it over clearly will likely result in a shared perception rather than two opposing perceptions.

Specifics – getting to a shared perception

So we’ll get specific here. With the story from yesterday about the sound system speaker and its placement*, Linda perceived a danger to a valuable piece of equipment by your placing it in a driving area. She was concerned and expressed her concern. And Stan, you dismissed that concern but gave no reason. Is that correct?

S: Uh-hmm.

And so she nursed that hurt for 2-3 hours, feeling dismissed and unheard. And she still had her initial concern about the safety of a piece of equipment that she cherishes. Several hours later when she brought it up again and you had a conversation you expressed the need to put the monitors in a different place than the speaker, and a proper arrangement. You explained your reasons. She understood and the distress went out of that conversation.

Do you see what the factors were in the revisiting of that topic that made it turn out differently?

S: More information and no dismissal.  

And Linda for her part was actually listening. She was not trying to dominate. She heard you and said something to the effect that she might have put something in that driveway to protect the sound system had she had time to do that. But she understood the placement after that.  And then there was no conflict because at that point you had a shared or nearly shared perception. So, that process requires several behaviors and mindsets that are not familiar to you both, and it’s similar to what is going on culturally.

Both people have parts of the truth, but they are too angry to talk to each other about it.   

So do you want to deconstruct one more incident and see if you can get to that place of shared perception there as well?

S: I’m fine with that.  

So, as supper was in process — we want to say that we not specializing in mind-reading. We have access to Linda’s mind because we are using her as the channel. And working with other people we would not have necessarily have access to this material, at least at this point in the development of the channeling. Do you understand that?

S: Uh-hmm..

So, you, Stan picked up a hot griddle and brought it to the table as the food was ready, leaving the burner on. And Linda for her own reasons, part of which was the busy-ness and the sharing of the meal preparation which can get a little territorial, challenged you for having carried the pot away without turning off the burner.

Now starting from that point, what would add to the ‘more information and generous listening’ and not defending anyone’s position? What would be the next step?

S: On my part, an acknowledgment that I’d left the burner on, and that there was kind of a “get-er-done” mentality that paid no attention and that has done it repeatedly over a long period but not very often. It does happen.  

Alright. That would have been more information that was relevant to the situation. And do you think she might have listened well?

S: She may have heard that but it doesn’t get to the anger at the bottom of it or the kind of rough-shod attitude that’s at the bottom of it. 

Of your conversation or hers?

S: Of mine. 

Get-er-done vs. request for changed behavior

Part of what you are both dealing with is respectful, clear communication. And part of is, sometimes there’s a request for change in behavior. We think that Linda’s request is for changed behavior.

That may not be what you are wanting. So that can be an issue too.

She is requesting that you bring your consciousness to bear and turn the burner off as you pick up the pan. And that may be something that for whatever reason you don’t wish to do, or that you wish to do in some other way.

But those are typical conversational challenges. You have not only the clear and respectful communication but sometimes you have requests for behavioral changes that one person wants and the other one does not.

What would your opinion be in this relatively calm moment about that unspoken request? For a commitment to attend to that in a different way than you have?

S: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the request. Underlying that for me is a judgment and criticism of Linda’s nitpicking which I consider to be an overly concerned fearful attitude towards the world.   

That’s very clear.

S: And I refuse to live that way and comply with that. 

So it becomes not really about a burner left on in the kitchen. It becomes about your judgement of her as fearful.

S: Right. 

And your refusal to participate in that.

S: My refusal to make it a big deal. And I take it as a personal criticism of me because it stings.  

And in concert – the speaker and the burner – together with other situations in which I judge her to be fearful and constricted in life, it adds up to a quick reaction pattern in my case.

So now in this quiet moment, as you look at Linda as a whole, do you see her as a fearful person?

S: No. Not overall.

Do you see her as someone who lives her life in a fearful way? Compared to average? or even compared to above average.

S: No. 

But when it comes to a request of you, you see her as fearful.

S: No, I don’t see her as fearful overall. I see her as having an area of her life where she IS constricted, IS overly concerned. Obviously leaving a burner on is not something you want to do, but it’s also not a big deal.

So we’re going for challenging perceptions here. So when you were married to your previous wife, how would you have felt if once or twice a week you came into the kitchen and the burner was left on? What would you have said over time?

S: We need to pay attention to that, honey, could be dangerous.

And would that have been a mark of being overly fearful on your part?

S: In that way I don’t think so.

What would be different?

(long pause)

S: It’d be…. kind of gracious, and acknowledgement of a potential problem.  And yet when Linda does the same thing to me, I feel a sting of personal criticism.

  A third party in the marriage

So back to this situation, when she says “you left the burner on,” what do you hear?

S: My mother yelling at me.

So there is no way for Linda to share feedback with you without you feeling a personal sting.  Is that valid?

S: There might be a more gracious less pointed way to say it. I feel fear in Linda’s voice about the burner. And I think that puts a little sting in it.   

What changes would you be willing to make to shift this pattern?

S: I’d be willing to work on remembering to turn it off.

And the larger dynamic of hearing your mother when Linda asks something of you?

S: I’d be willing to discuss unpacking that fear-criticism from a gentle warning.

So your commitment is to talk about it with others, to talk about it with her? We’re asking what you are committing to.

S: It happens so sporadically I’m not sure how to work on it.  It happens in the moment. In a hurried moment and I’m not aware of a way to bring more presence to that moment, isolated by 2-3 weeks of no problem.

We suggest that you start with a serious look at the habit you have of hearing your mother’s criticism in normal household and spousal conversation. If you take that out of the equation completely then you have a woman and a man living together communicating with each other. But when you bring your mother into the marriage and everything you ever felt with your mother that was less than pleasant, you literally have a third member of the marriage.  And then simple things like leaving a burner on or bringing mud in the house are no longer simple between Linda and Stan. They are complicated because your mother is with you. And you are unable to distinguish between what’s accurate and what’s not.

You make judgments that are inaccurate. Linda feels completely shocked because she thinks she’s dealing with you and instead she’s dealing with perhaps a teenage boy who’s angry at his mother.  And for each incident, there could be answers found if your mother wasn’t part of it. Do you understand that?

S: Yeah.

Do you agree with that?

S: Yeah.  

For example, how many times you have license to leave the burner on without Linda getting freaked out. That could be straightened out. But not if your mother’s part of it.

S: Uh-hmm. And not if I’m already triggered by multiple fearful reactions on Linda’s part, or multiple criticisms. My mother’s not just somewhere in the background but an active angry reaction part in my life.

We respectfully offer that you will not see your wife as fearful and constricted when your mother is no longer riding with you everywhere. 

Can you hear her heart – and your own?

You will begin to see Linda as an adult woman who has certain preferences in life and sometimes your preferences match and sometimes they don’t. But they won’t be so difficult to navigate if you do what you need to do to put your mother forty years back in your life and not riding with you today.  

It’s normal for a husband and wife to not have every preference alike, but when you bring an angry judgment with you and call your beloved wife fearful, constricted and angry, how can you make love to her? How can you hear her heart? Do you really care to hear Linda’s heart?  Or do you care more about protecting yourself from your mother?  Do you hear how generous listening has gone out the door?  

S: Uh-hmmm.

You are carrying your mother with you. And there’s truly nothing Linda can do about that.  In fact, you carrying that version of your mother – which is only one version – produces more fear on Linda’s part. Because if Linda were carrying an angry judgmental father around on her shoulder and seeing you as that angry judgmental father three or four times a week, how solid would your marriage be?

S: Not very.

Advisor to the king

Do you understand why she might be more fearful because you are doing that? It makes her feel like she doesn’t know you. And that you’re not the man that she can trust. Which to some extent is true. You would not trust her very much if you knew that she were riding with an angry fundamentalist father on her left shoulder. And he had the ability to color her eyes so that as she looked at you, she saw him instead of you. 

It would color everything about your marriage.  And these little day to day incidents would not be easy to unravel with him riding there.

So we’re going to give you a picture of what is, right now. See your mother in her most angry, scornful blazing way. And put her on your right shoulder. Take her with you everywhere and let her interpret life for you. When you look at your wife, your mother has turned your wife into herself, because she’s so close. She has your ear. She’s like an advisor to the king.  

And you lose the ability to see Linda in this present moment because your mother is taking you back 40+ years. To every hurt she ever inflicted on you and every judgment you ever made about her.

Gooey paint from the past

All of those are the costume you put on Linda. And it leaves the two of you unable to navigate something simple like turning the burner off or where to place the speaker. Because you are not in the present moment. You are not just dealing with the facts of speakers on pavement or burners on stoves. Your memory-mother is blanketing that situation with gooey paint from the past. It’s all over everything.

And of course it colors your ability to feel close, to be close. It coats your heart.  As long as she’s there you cannot listen generously because she is whipping you up into a righteous fervor. So do you see this picture?

S: Yes.

What do you see as needing to be done?

S: Well, I remove my mother from my shoulder and work towards healing the wounds.

You may not be able to do that all in one step, you understand that?

S: Yes.  

In this moment

The process of removing yourself from the grip of the memory-mother that you imagine in your mind is a huge step on its own.  And the other piece is being in the present moment ANYTIME you have an exchange with Linda, even if it’s just breakfast, or getting ready for church. You can remind yourself that even though you haven’t done all the healing work, you are now, here, in this moment, with your wife.  And that has nothing to do with your mother. This you can do today. 

The deeper work of putting your mother off in the distance, forgiving your mother, forgiving yourself, that will take a little time. Bringing yourself into the present moment, today, takes no time.  It just takes a commitment.  And you will immediately find things are much easier to resolve when you are here in the present moment, and your mother is 30 feet away at least.  And if your commitment to that wavers just imagine your wife with an angry fundamentalist controlling father on her right shoulder and see if you want to be married to her.

S: Hmmm.

And remind yourself. It’s not about burners, it’s not about mud on the floor, it’s not about where speakers are placed. It’s about whether you’re in the present moment, and being real and authentic with yourself and your beloved. 

So we’ve given you two large assignments.  One is to separately do the healing and forgiving work about your mother, and the other is to be absolutely present and not let any hint of that work contaminate your moment by moment interactions.  Do you understand those two as separate assignments?

S: Uh-hmm…

Freeing your heart from the baggage

So we want you to check in with your heart right now. How does your heart feel at the prospect of making these changes?

S: Excited.

This is good work. It may not feel as loving as some of the beautiful things but we assure you it is. It’s not loving to carry around an angry shadow in your mind and to project it onto people that you love. Your heart closes down in that field of past anger coming with you everywhere. And what we are telling you is very specific but it’s also about freeing your own heart from that baggage.

You will be absolutely astonished at how much happier and freer you feel as you do this, that we’ve asked you to do. Can you feel that?

S: Yea.. I can feel towards that, I’m not sure I can feel it yet.

We are glad you come to listen. This is an important day. We are complete.


* The equipment was set up at an outdoor musical performance for Linda and Stan’s group.